An ever more complex and intriguing tour de force.
After loving the opening issue of this spy thriller it looks like John Farman is continuing to build this story into an ever-more complex and intriguing tour de force. The world-spanning plot is still weaving its many threads and while this initially felt like it was holding back on the action compared to that first issue there’s a definite sense of things escalating near the end of the book. The roster of characters grows as quickly as the locations on view and I’m loving the Bond style mixed with the Bourne mentality.
John teams up with Stref as he picks up the reigns for the art and ensures that the visuals are seamless when compared to what’s gone before. Energetic in the action and suspenseful the rest of the time it blends well with the plot and keeps the solid momentum on the go until the finale where there’s double-crossing on the go as missions merge with other missions.
This second issue expands on the success of the opener and highlights just how good Vital’s venture into another genre has been. Slick & stylish but with an undoubted substance behind it to back that all up.